Early Years

“Before children start school, teachers make every effort to get to know them. Pre-school and home visits help Reception children to make a confident start. Children settle, feel safe, are happy and make friends quickly.” (OfSTED Inspection Report November 2019)

The Reception Year is the final part of the Early Years Foundation Stage which begins from birth. When children join the school in Reception they follow a curriculum which builds on their pre-school experience and progresses towards achievement of the early learning goals for the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. This offers an education through a range of stimulating, creative and challenging activities focused on

  • the prime areas of learning - communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development
  • the specific areas of learning - literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and design
  • the learning characteristics - playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically

The Reception unit is purpose built with its own secure outside area.

Children learn through a balance of adult led activities, which introduce new skills and ensure the challenge and support needed by each child, and opportunities for self-initiated play through which they explore these skills in ways which interest them, as well as developing:

  • social skills
  • independence
  • creativity
  • teamwork
  • problem solving

Children are inspired by a series of creative topics and outdoor learning opportunities which are often adapted to reflect their own interests.

“We have noticed a huge difference in his confidence and independence.  A fantastic foundation for the future.” (Parent comment)

Each child’s experiences and successes are recorded using the Tapestry Online Learning Journal which is accessible to families who are encouraged to share learning experiences from home too. We also use paper journals which are shared with families regularly.