

We teach a broad and balanced computing curriculum that equips pupils with computational knowledge and skills across the three key strands of the DfE computing curriculum (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy); as well as aim to instill a sense of enjoyment around using technology and develop pupil’s appreciation of its capabilities and the opportunities technology offers to create, manage, organise and collaborate. Through our curriculum, we intend for pupils not only to become digitally competent and have a range of transferable skills creating a good foundation for future learning but also to be responsible and safe online citizens. Classes are allocated laptops and/or iPads for a weekly Computing lessons. Teachers use the ‘Kapow’ computing scheme of learning to ensure depth and breadth across the computing curriculum.


We teach seven units per year ( 6 lessons per unit ) plus one additional unit on online safety.

Learning is cover throughout the academic year. We use a variety of resources to teach computing which includes: Laptops, Desktops, IPads, Sketch pad, Do-ink Kahoot, Scratch,  Python, Micro: Bits.

Quality First Teaching Approaches

Knowledge Organisers are used at the start of each topic. These include key vocabulary. Teachers also share, model and explain vocabulary. Recapping of previous learning is done by revisiting learning from previous lessons as a starter for the next lesson. Teachers also model skills and tasks to all learners.